Liddy Li

English name: Liddy Li
Chinese name:
Pin yin: Li Yuetong
Original name:Li Ting
Birthdate:November 6, 1987
Current age: 25 years old
Nationality:Hong Kong
Constellation: Scorpio
Blood type: O
Height: 165cm
Weight: 42kg
Language: Cantonese, English, Mandarin, Hunan, then Korean
Favorite food: snacks, hot food
Favorite Movie: Stephen Chow's movie, Titanic
Favorite City: South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong
Favorite color: pink, black, white
Favorite animal: cat
Favorite hobby: singing, listening to music, shirts, nail
Music Type: Cantonese, Mandarin pop music
Active years: since 2011
Record companies: Ogilvy & Mather thinking Entertainment Co., Ltd. (2011-present)
Brokerage firm: Ogilvy & Mather thinking Entertainment Limited (2011-present)

Father of famous Model in China Killed Himself After Executing One Of His Neighbours

A gunman in China has killed himself after executing one of his neighbours and firing at armed police in a 12-hour standoff.
See more graphic image of th 12 hour standoff with the police after the jump>>>>>>

Li Tak-yan, 51, who had served time in jail for attacking another neighbour with a knife, shot Liu Kai-chung, 43, dead outside his apartment in Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong, on Saturday night in an apparently unmotivated attack.
Li then shot at armed police, sparking a 12-hour standoff which only ended after officers from the elite Special Duties Unit, known as the Flying Tigers, stormed the apartment and found him dead.
In dramatic twist it has emerged that Li is the father of Chinese actress and model Liddy Li, 27, who has made headlines recently after her affair with married director Oxide Pang was exposed.

Police are investigating whether Li's murder and subsequent suicide had anything to do Liddy and Pang's relationship, which was exposed when they were secretly photographed on a date.
After the photo was leaked, Pang flew to the Malaysia to win back his wife, actress Lee Sinje, and then made a joint statement apologising to his wife and admitting his errors.
The standoff with Li began at 11pm on Saturday night after he followed neighbour Liu into the lift in their apartment building on the Kai Ching estate, going with him up to the 21st floor.
As Liu approached his front door, keys in hand, Li shot him three times 'execution style' before returning to his own apartment 11 floors below.
Police evacuated that floor overnight, and in the morning Li appeared on the window ledge outside his apartment with a gun pointed at his head before shooting at police below.

During the stalemate, Li fired appeared on the window ledge outside his apartment with a gun to his head before firing shots at armed police officers below

Li's daughter is model and actress Liddy Li, who has been making headlines after her affair with married director Oxide Pang was exposed

After Oxide (left) and Li 

Police are now investigating whether Li's murder and suicide had anything to do with Liddy's affair
Officers returned one shot, forcing Li back inside. The Flying Tigers then abseiled down the outside of the building, throwing stun grenades through the windows before storming the apartment.

When they got inside they found Li's body slumped next to two pistols, one of which was handmade and 43 rounds of ammunition.
Police have since removed three knives, three holsters and a computer from the flat.

Hong Kong police are working closely with their Guangdong counterparts to trace the source of the weapons.
Divorced and unemployed, Li had a well-earned reputation for aggressiveness against his neighbours.

'About half a year ago, he banged on everyone's door [on my floor] to complain about a noise problem and no one dared to open their doors.'

Before attacking officers, Li executed neighbour Liu Kai-chung, 43, by following him up to his apartment and shooting him three times outside his front door

Another resident Tsang Yuk said that when she took her son to the courtyard downstairs she always saw Li wearing the same red polo shirt.

'His shirt stank so bad as if he never washed it,' she said, adding that he acted rather strangely and liked to sit in different corners of the playground.

In a temporary housing estate in the town of Yuen Long where he lived after his business failed and his wife left him, Li attacked and injured a man next door with a meat cleaver
According to The Standard, during the court case Liddy wrote to the judge describing Li as a 'good father'.

He received a one-year prison sentence for his crime, and upon his release moved into the tower near the old Kai Tak Airport in Hong Kong.

Psychologists said at the time that he had poor anger management abilities and dealt poorly with stress, but despite being lonely and volatile he was not mentally ill.
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